[Xymon] *nix xymon client directories size (DU change is possible?)

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Sun Apr 17 21:57:11 CEST 2011

> AFAIK the DIR monitoring/track will use a DU on the xymon client (*nix ones). I need to monitor/track some directories on ZFS and they are Big.
> I mean 880GB or more. a simple du -sh or just du takes at least 45min.
> Of course; doing a zfs list pool/zfs gave me the same data that a du but almost instantaneously...
> So my question do I can override which command is used to DIR monitoring ? Or I must go with a script that do zfs list and push that data to rrd as independent test?

In the client configuration, you can set the "DU" environment variable 
to the command you want to run. The Xymon client will pick up this 
setting and use it instead of the default "du -k".

> To make things worst I have mixed UFS/ZFS structures, but just need to monitor/track some of them.

Well, if you can script some way of detecting which command to use for 
which structure, that script can then be used for the "DU" env. setting.


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