[hobbit] get hobbit to show status for same host but with different configuration

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Mon Jan 12 12:29:23 CET 2009

In <1ebd03650901050530g5cf3859awc5742295170e070c at mail.gmail.com> "Mogens Busk" <mogens.busk at gmail.com> writes:

>Is it then possible to run a bbcmd to get the info generated with different
>hobbit-clients.cfg files.
>I can read in the man pages it could be like this (I can't get this woking)=
>bbcmd sh
>hobbitd_channel --channel=3Dclient hobbitd_client

>And then parse this output to another page to have hobbit show the normal
>page like

>normal hobbitpage

>hobbit serviceline page


You must understand that in Hobbit the (hostname+statusname) combination
is considered unique. So you cannot have more than one (servera/proc) 

You *could* use different hostnames; then you can modify the client on
each server to send the data multiple times using different hostnames.
It's a bit waste of ressources, though.

Perhaps it would be an idea if you told us exactly what it is you're trying
to achive with this setup ?


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