files, ports, procs saying not defined

Joseph Kezar joseph.kezar at
Wed Apr 29 15:54:05 CEST 2009

in $XYMONHOME/server/etc/hobbit-clients.cfg on the xymon server, I've added some tests that dont seem to be reflecting in the URL for xymon.  Here is a snippet of the file:

Just above the default section I've added a port test for port 389.
        PORT "LOCAL=%([.:]389)$" state=LISTEN TEXT=ldap
        # These are the built-in defaults.
        UP      1h
        LOAD    5.0 10.0
        DISK    * 90 95
        MEMPHYS 100 101
        MEMSWAP 50 80
        MEMACT  90 97

But I still get the white non-smiley face.  When I click on the icon I get to the next screen which says "No port checks defined" and below that is the current result of a netstat.

How can I get a green smiley for my port!

And this is just a test, I realize there is a specific test for ldap connectivity.

Joseph Kezar
No port checks defined"  
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