hobbitd_rrd not starting an extra script

Graham Nayler graham.nayler at hallmarq.net
Fri Sep 26 18:36:13 CEST 2008


I think this one is pretty simple - ready to kick yourself? Try putting "=" 
(without quotes) instead of the blank after --extra-script 
and --extra-tests!

Once that's done though you may hit another problem, over which I've been 
tearing my hair out for the last week. I got the graphs connected up OK, but 
values were only being written into it very intermittently. I've finally 
tracking it down to a bug in the external script handler do_external.c (at 
least in the version we're running - snapshot as of 9th Sept). This does not 
apply to 4.2.0 - but we had troubles getting that to work with BBWin (we're 
monitoring Windows boxes).

The problem is that recent versions of hobbit caches writes to RRD, but the 
external script is handled by a forked process, which only operates on a 
copy of the cache controller, and not that of the main process. I'll submit 
my fix (albeit crude) when I've worked out haw to do so (I'm really new to 
this open source stuff)!,

Graham Nayler

Sébastien Munch wrote:


I'm trying to create an extra script for hobbit_rrd. I've followed
tutorials found on the net, especially

I'm getting the information in the status page. Data is correctly sent
to the hobbit server.

Everything seems to be configured correctly, but I'm not getting any rrd
data. In the configurations, I've double-checked paths, execution
rights, etc.

To simplify the tests, I've changed my extra-script so that it writes
everything in a temporary file.

The script isn't started : it doesn't write in this temporary file.

In the rrd-status log, I don't see anything about executing the extra

hobbitlaunch.cfg :
        ENVFILE /usr/lib/hobbit/server/etc/hobbitserver.cfg
        NEEDS hobbitd
        CMD hobbitd_channel --channel=status
--log=BBSERVERLOGS/rrd-status.log hobbitd_rrd --rrddir=$BBVAR/rrd
--extra-script /usr/lib/hobbit/server/ext/rrd_openvz.sh --extra-tests
openvz --debug

Graham Nayler 

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