[hobbit] Builds of Hobbit client for ancient operating systems?

Benjamin P. August baugust at stanford.edu
Tue May 6 19:14:33 CEST 2008

Does sunfreeware.com still have gcc for solaris 6? A quick check  
confirms it. I'm sure someone else on the list could help with HPUX.

Benjamin P. August
System Administrator - VPUE
Stanford University

Quoting "Linder, Doug (SABIC Innovative Plastics, consultant)"  
<Doug.Linder at sabic-ip.com>:

> Hi All,
> I'm new to the list.
> I've been asked to see if there's any way to get the hobbit client on
> some of our... more elderly systems, such as HP-UX 10.10, 10.20, 11.00,
> and Solaris 6.  None of these systems have gcc on them as far as I know,
> and installing gcc on systems that old is a major challenge just due to
> available disk space if nothing else (such as dependencies), so
> compiling copies myself would be a big undertaking.
> Does anyone maybe know of some dusty, forgotten corner of the net where
> Hobbit clients for those operating systems might be available?  Or have
> one of those systems runing with gcc and be willing to compile a couple
> clients for me?
> Thanks,
> Doug
> ---
> Doug Linder
> UNIX Administrator
> Sabic (CompuCom), Pittsfield, MA

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