[hobbit] centralized management of clientlaunch.cfg

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Wed Dec 17 22:17:53 CET 2008

In <d44304420812170806u5e4eab49vc9f1e912ec8b1b8a at mail.gmail.com> "Don Lachlan" <brightlancer at gmail.com> writes:

>I have a number of custom scripts spread across multiple machines; I
>understand how to configure them in clientlaunch.cfg  but I would like
>to keep them in a single config file (it's impractical to maintain
>this many individual configs). Has anyone written a tool to manage
>push/pull of the configs and generating individual hobbit-clients.cfg,
>or otherwise duplicate what bb-bbexttab did?

You could grab the "hobbitlaunch" program from the current development
branch; it has a new "ONHOST <pattern>" setting for each task - the
task will only run if the local hostname matches the <pattern>. E.g.

       CMD $BBHOME/ext/myscript.sh
       ONHOST (www|mail).foo.com


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