[hobbit] BBWin and procs & svcs

Jason Chambers Jason.Chambers at geosoft.com
Mon Apr 7 22:01:05 CEST 2008

I guess it would be helpful if there was a one stop wiki article on how to setup centralized mode for BBwin and hobbit. I'm planning to do the same thing once my workload is lightened, but I want more information on configuration before I start messing around with this stuff. Anyone have a suggestion? I might solve a lot of questions if there was examples on this.

Jason Chambers
IT Help Desk Associate

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From: McGraw, Robert P [mailto:rmcgraw at purdue.edu]
Sent: April-07-08 3:38 PM
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: RE: [hobbit] BBWin and procs & svcs

I was looking thought the hobbit archives and came across an example of how to setup hobbit-client.cfg to monitor the svcs.  I have look through the documentation, BBWin forum, and the hobbit archive  and found only one reference. So here is what I found and it seems to work.

SVC AGDIGESTSVC startup=automatic status=started color=red

If someone can tell me where I can get more information or documentation on the SVC  it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for all your help.


From: sholmes42 at gmail.com [mailto:sholmes42 at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Steve Holmes
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 2:28 PM
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] BBWin and procs & svcs

Robert, I don't do anything on the server side. BBWin just sends its stuff to the server and the server reports on it.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 12:24 PM, McGraw, Robert P <rmcgraw at purdue.edu<mailto:rmcgraw at purdue.edu>> wrote:
Where can I find information on how to configure hobbit-clients.cfg to
monitor BBWin svcs entries?


Robert P. McGraw, Jr.
Manager, Computer System                 EMAIL: rmcgraw at purdue.edu<mailto:rmcgraw at purdue.edu>
Purdue University                         ROOM: MATH-807
Department of Mathematics                PHONE: (765) 494-6055
150 N. University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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