Hobbit Ping Tests

Michael A. Price mprice at sgt-inc.com
Wed Sep 5 02:22:11 CEST 2007



I have been using hobbit now for 2 years now and it works great :-)
Thanks to everyone who has contributed...


I was wondering how to tune the CONN tests, the ping testing. I know I
can change the variable for the BB-Net to test every 1 minute -vs- the
default of 5 minutes. But that adjusts all the network tests.


I would like to just do it for ping testing.


Also, what is a CONN failure and how many packets were sent and failed,
for instance. Is 3 packets sent, and if 1 fails it alarms. Or does it
have to be all 3. How can I fine tune this???


Thanks, michael


Michael A. Price

EOS/HST Network Security Engineer

SGT, Inc. www.sgt-inc.com


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