[hobbit] single alert for a host going puprle

Hezki Englander me2unix at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 17:53:40 CET 2007

- firewall rule modified, so no connection from a server to the hobbitd
daemon allowed
- Hobbit client not run automatically after system restart
- Hobbit client stopped, hung, etc.

Yes , I am talking about these cases.
Not about tests done by the server which are "hidden" by conn when there is
no connectivity.
I am talking about a hobbit client not running or not reaching hte server
and then all services monitored localy send many purple alerts .

On 11/13/07, Frédéric Mangeant <frederic.mangeant at steria.com> wrote:
> Josh Luthman a écrit :
> > Let me understand your situation.  You have one host, IE:
> >
> > <> mybroken.host.com <http://mybroken.host.com>
> > # ssh dns pop3 smtp http://mybrokenhost.com <http://mybrokenhost.com>
> >
> > Now after some time you have ssh and dns going down, but the box is
> > still green on conn/ping?  Logically, there are two problems - bad
> > bind and bad opensshd, so two alerts is a wise choice.
> >
> > If you are saying with the example above that every test goes down
> > because it is offline, in my case at least, it only gives me one alert
> > - bad conn, the rest are tagged with "depend" essentially and don't
> > alert you.  Is this not the case for you?
> Hi
> there are various situations where a host responds to ping but does not
> send any status to hobbitd :
> - firewall rule modified, so no connection from a server to the hobbitd
> daemon allowed
> - Hobbit client not run automatically after system restart
> - Hobbit client stopped, hung, etc.
> --
> Frédéric Mangeant
> Steria EDC Sophia Antipolis
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