remove sslcert test (included with the https test)

Dennis Ortsen dortsen at
Wed Mar 21 11:41:59 CET 2007

Hi All,

I'm setting up Hobbit for the first time (v4.2.0) At the moment we're
using Big Sister, but we're looking for something with better
performance and ease of use.

I have set up some tests on several hosts. One of the checks I'm using
is the https check. That all works well, a green smiley is displayed.
The neat thing with the https check is that it also checks the
expirydate of your SSL certificate (sslcert test). Here's what I'm
looking for:

I want to remove the sslcert test for a certain number of hosts. We
use a traffic manager that holds all the real SSL certificates, we're
using a self signed, expired certificate on the hosts in question.
Hobbit warns me with a red sslcert status that the certificate has
expired. I know I can disable the the test (turns the smiley into a
blue one), but that's not what I want.

I have als tried to drop the sslcert test (server/bin/bb localhost
"drop hostname sslcert") and add the NOCOLUMNS:sslcert tag for the
host in question in the bb-hosts file. The NOCOLUMNS tag works for
other statusses (white) but when a status is red, I can't seem to
remove the sslcert test. It keeps coming back in a short while after I
dropped the test with the bb command.

Have I overseen something here?



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