Can't get NetApp CPU to graph

Jeffrey Parker jwprkr at
Tue Jul 3 17:23:20 CEST 2007


        I have a problem that just doesn't make sense.  I am
monitoring the CPU of a Network Appliance server using SNMP queries
from the Hobbit server.  It's essentially what I am doing on an old BB
server running LaRRD.  I have added custom graphs to my BB server and
they worked fine, so I have a basic understanding how the LaRRD
parsing works.  The CPU status message looks fine, but Hobbit is just
not picking up the data and adding it to RRD, and therefore not
graphing.  I even tried copying the rrd file over from the BB server
to see if that would help, but no dice.  It graphs up to the point
where I copied it from BB and stops.  Other devices where I'm
monitoring CPU the status message is identical, and it's graphing
fine.  Is there a way to debug RRD to see what's going wrong?  I get
very few useful messages in the RRD log files.

Thanks in Advance,


Jeff Parker
jwprkr at gmail dot com

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