Summarized or Single Alerting?

Geoff Hallford geoff.hallford at
Tue Dec 18 19:12:42 CET 2007

Hi All,

I don't know if there is anyone who can point me in a good direction for
this item. I have been running Hobbit for quite a long time now and I have
received a few requests for the following:

- Summarized alert or single email alert to a text pager for all alerting
systems (every 2 hours, when a least 1 item is alerting)

Reason for this is the following scenario that has happened a few times:

1. Network segment goes down or is reponding erratically (only responding to
pings sometimes) -- I have route: in place for all items but when it goes
up/down/up/down, it doesn't really work
2. Pager gets alerted possibly 200+ times in 30 minutes
3. When the pager gets over 20 emails, it cycles the messages, so older
VALID pages from non-Hobbit people are pushed out of the pager
4. This is why maybe 1 email per 2 hours to the pager saying 'Hobbit Alert -
Check your email or Hobbit console'

I am sure this can be scripted and I am using a shell script to do the pager
alerting but I am not sure how to add in this functionality of 1 alert for
multiple systems alerting.

Anyone have any suggestions or done something similar?

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