forward alerts to jabber clients ?

thomas.seglard.enata at thomas.seglard.enata at
Fri Apr 7 16:49:19 CEST 2006


is there a way to send hobbit's alerts to a jabber's client ? I've done a 
script but it doesn't seem to work ("Cannot connect( )") and I don't know 
why ! So, I will try to use rss and forward the threads to jabber via 
rrs2jabber. If someone got a working script or a better idea, you're 
welcome !


Here is my perl script You can use it by adding the 
following line to hobbit-alerts.cfg :

SCRIPT /Soft/HOBBIT-4.1.2p1/server/bin/ 
hobbit at REPEAT=10

# Author Thomas Seglard
# Created from various code examples found on the web
# Feel free to use or modify as needed to suit your needs
# Description :
# Get hobbit's variables and send them to jabber's server

use strict;
use Net::Jabber qw(Client) ;
use Net::Jabber qw(Message) ;
use Net::Jabber qw(Protocol) ;
use Net::Jabber qw(Presence) ;

use constant SERVER    => '';
use constant PORT      => 5222;
use constant USER      => 'hobbit';
use constant PASSWORD  => 'hobbit';
use constant RESOURCE  => 'Psi';
use constant MAXWAIT   => 2 ;
my $DST  = $ENV{'RCPT'};

my $connection = Net::Jabber::Client->new();
$connection->Connect( "hostname" => SERVER,"port" => PORT )  or die
"Cannot connect ($!)\n";

my @result = $connection->AuthSend( "username" => USER,"password" =>
PASSWORD,"resource" => RESOURCE );
if ($result[0] ne "ok") {
 die "Ident/Auth with server failed: $result[0] - $result[1]\n";
my $message = Net::Jabber::Message->new();
 $message->SetMessage( "to"                 => $DST,
                         "subject"      => "Alerte $HST",
                         "type"         => "chat",
                         "body"         => $MSG);


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