WARNING: Cannot open include file '/var/run/hobbitclient-runtime.cfg'

Gee Pee peter.welter at gmail.com
Sat Nov 19 13:58:22 CET 2005

Hello Hobbit-ers who are experienced with the hobbit client!

Since yesterday I migrated from the BB-client to the Hobbitclient;  
the one you get when you install 4.1.2p1. The clientlaunch.log keeps  
piling up with the error in the Subject.

I understand that this error comes from the default hobbitclient.cfg:

# Environment settings for the Hobbit client.

include /var/run/hobbitclient-runtime.cfg

But is there something that should be there where it is not? I think  
I can comment out this line, the client does a great job however.



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