[hobbit] performance issue with multiple pagesets
Olivier Beau
olivier at qalpit.com
Wed Jul 20 18:14:04 CEST 2005
i've disabled [rrdstatus] and [rrddata].
i still have lots of I/O, practicaly no change.
i'm moved my www directory on another disk, and now most of the iowait is on the
other disk.
i then moved www in ramdisk, and all the iowait disapeared !
here is a paste of bbgen report, and then a paste of the unix bbgen report
(witch are similar whether www is on disk or ram):
bbgen for Hobbit version 4.0.5RC1
Hosts : 1617
Status messages : 8359
Purple messages : 8
Pages : 390
Event Starttime Duration
Startup 1121874341.021044 -
Load links done 1121874341.021332 0.000288
Load bbhosts done 1121874341.147357 0.126025
ACK removal done 1121874341.147481 0.000124
Load STATE done 1121874341.540020 0.392539
Color calculation done 1121874341.542579 0.002559
Hobbit pagegen start 1121874341.542610 0.000031
Hobbit pagegen done 1121874344.373265 2.830655
BB2 generation done 1121874344.397772 0.024507
BBNK generation done 1121874344.399964 0.002192
Summary transmission done 1121874344.399968 0.000004
Run completed 1121874344.399969 0.000001
TIME TOTAL 3.378925
bbgen for Hobbit version 4.0.5RC1
Hosts : 589
Status messages : 8359
Purple messages : 0
Pages : 1
Event Starttime Duration
Startup 1121874421.091144 -
Load links done 1121874421.091429 0.000285
Load bbhosts done 1121874421.192460 0.101031
ACK removal done 1121874421.192561 0.000101
Load STATE done 1121874421.497978 0.305417
Color calculation done 1121874421.498891 0.000913
Hobbit pagegen start 1121874421.498925 0.000034
Hobbit pagegen done 1121874421.586783 0.087858
BB2 generation done 1121874421.606831 0.020048
BBNK generation done 1121874421.607756 0.000925
Run completed 1121874421.607758 0.000002
TIME TOTAL 0.516614
Selon Henrik Stoerner <henrik at hswn.dk>:
> On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 04:54:56PM +0200, Olivier Beau wrote:
> > i loaded hobbit 4.0.5RC1 on my standby server (which isn't as fast as my
> > production bbgen3.5 server..)
> >
> > i'm having lots of iowait, (it isn't swapping),
> > i suspect it's bbgen
> It would be interesting to see the output from your "bbgen" column
> if you run bbgen with the "--report" option.
> I haven't seen bbgen do very much I/O. Sure, you're generating
> 8x2 MB of data per minute, but most disk today will easily deliver
> 10 mbit/sec throughput. And it's not random access, just sequential
> writing of a single file.
> I'd be more inclined to think it's your RRD file updates that are
> responsible for the disk I/O you see. Try disabling the [rrddata]
> and [rrdstatus] tasks in hobbitlaunch.cfg and see if the iowait drops.
> > --> Is there a way to disable the generating of the bb.html page for
> pagesets ?
> No.
> Regards,
> Henrik
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Olivier Beau
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