[hobbit] trends columns all turned purple

David Gore David.Gore at mci.com
Fri Apr 1 23:51:45 CEST 2005

Yes one core file:

hobbit at hobbit ~/server> find . -name core
hobbit at hobbit ~/server> file tmp/core
tmp/core:       ELF 32-bit MSB core file SPARC Version 1, from 'hobbitd'
hobbit at hobbit ~/server> ls -al tmp/core
-rw-------    1 hobbit   other     8322084 Apr  1 03:27 tmp/core

I checked to make sure the lines were correct in maint.pl.  I am 
reinstalling 4.0.1, again and will let you know how it goes.


Henrik Storner wrote:
> OK, I think there are two completely un-related issues here.
> In <424D7FE3.1040600 at mci.com> David Gore <David.Gore at mci.com> writes:
>>I re-installed RC6 to get rid of the purple trends.  
> The "trends" don't go purple by themselves, they go purple because the
> bb-larrdcolumn tool doesn't update them.
> I'd like you to check for unusual messages in the
> /var/log/hobbit/bb-display.log file, and also for any core-files left
> behind from bb-larrdcolumn. They should be in the ~/server/tmp/
> directory, but please check in the ~/data/rrd/ directory also.
>>The maint.pl lists and 'ALL' may still be a problem, it does occur in
>>both Firefox and IE.  It can be alleviated by changing views.
>>Typically we monitor bb2.html, but if we switch to the Main view and
>>try enable/disable, it typically works, this only occurred since RC6,
>>I think.
> The missing hosts on the maint.pl display sounds like you're still
> running the version of maint.pl that uses cookies to try and display
> only the hosts from the page you were on. This was removed in the 4.0
> release precisely because it was causing problems. Could you check
> your maint.pl script and see if lines 432-433 look like this:
>     432   # open (HOBBITDLIST, "bb ".$BBENV{'BBDISP'}." \"hobbitdboard ".$filter."\" |");
>     433   open (HOBBITDLIST, "bb ".$BBENV{'BBDISP'}." hobbitdboard |");
> Thanks,
> Henrik
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