[hobbit] trends columns all turned purple

Henrik Storner henrik at hswn.dk
Fri Apr 1 19:19:26 CEST 2005

OK, I think there are two completely un-related issues here.

In <424D7FE3.1040600 at mci.com> David Gore <David.Gore at mci.com> writes:

>I re-installed RC6 to get rid of the purple trends.  

The "trends" don't go purple by themselves, they go purple because the
bb-larrdcolumn tool doesn't update them.

I'd like you to check for unusual messages in the
/var/log/hobbit/bb-display.log file, and also for any core-files left
behind from bb-larrdcolumn. They should be in the ~/server/tmp/
directory, but please check in the ~/data/rrd/ directory also.

>The maint.pl lists and 'ALL' may still be a problem, it does occur in
>both Firefox and IE.  It can be alleviated by changing views.
>Typically we monitor bb2.html, but if we switch to the Main view and
>try enable/disable, it typically works, this only occurred since RC6,
>I think.

The missing hosts on the maint.pl display sounds like you're still
running the version of maint.pl that uses cookies to try and display
only the hosts from the page you were on. This was removed in the 4.0
release precisely because it was causing problems. Could you check
your maint.pl script and see if lines 432-433 look like this:

    432   # open (HOBBITDLIST, "bb ".$BBENV{'BBDISP'}." \"hobbitdboard ".$filter."\" |");
    433   open (HOBBITDLIST, "bb ".$BBENV{'BBDISP'}." hobbitdboard |");


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