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Re: [hobbit] hobbit-clients.cfg

On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 10:15:16PM -0400, Manocchia, Robert wrote:
> I have the hobbit client running on HPUX 11.11 and I can see three tests
> (conn, info, and trends). I have added the following to the
> hobbit-clients.cfg file on the server.
> HOST=dione.namerica.idexxi.com
>         UP      1h
>         LOAD    2.8 4.0
>         DISK    * 85 95
> Which appears before the defaults keyword.
> I restarted both the server and the client but still do not see the UP LOAD
> and DISK columns.

Sounds like you haven't got the Hobbit client running on that server, 
or at least - it isn't reporting into Hobbit with the right hostname.

Check the "Reports->Ghost clients" report and see if your host is listed
there - it will be, if the client uses a different hostname than what
you have in bb-hosts. In that case, put a CLIENT:clientname entry in
bb-hosts so Hobbit knows how to connect the two names.

If it's not in the Ghost client list, then you must check if the client
is running at all, and if it can connect to the Hobbit server to send
data (from the client, run "telnet HOBBITHOST 1984" and see if it will

BTW, there won't be an UP or LOAD column - these data are presented as
part of the "cpu" status.

And there's no need to restart anything when changing this
