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Re: [hobbit] Monitoring Solaris 10 zones

On 7/10/06, Mike Rowell <Mike.Rowell (at) rightmove.co.uk> wrote:

We're just putting some zones into a production environment and as yet
we don't have a way to monitor them, we could stick the client inside
the zone but I feel that is a waste of resources, so, I have come up
with a solution.

I have an ext script that queries zoneadm list to get the list of
currently running zones (except global) then run zlogin with various
commands to pull out pretty much what the hobbitclient-sunos.sh script
would do, then send it off to the hobbit server. It requires the hobbit
user be put in /etc/user_attr so hobbit can login as zone admin on any
zone, but works well.

I havn't put some of the stuff into it though, mainly because the way we
run zones here they will only ever be mounting local filesystems and as
such the disk checks will be managed under the global zone.

So if anyone would like a copy of the quick and dirty hack, drop me a



Mike Rowell

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