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Re: [hobbit] 4.2 and Patches question

Le 20 sept. 06 à 22:16, Henrik Stoerner a écrit :

On Wed, Sep 20, 2006 at 04:09:25PM -0400, Rob Munsch wrote:

Am i correct in assuming that the various patches found at http://www.hswn.dk/hobbitsw/patches/ need to be applied to the current 4.2 tarball up for download? I'm going by the timestamps on the files :).

Yes. And it's a good idea to apply them in the sequence of the timestamsp, i.e. (from first to last):


I did use this list.  Bad result :

# for f in `cat ../hop/list`; do gpatch -p0 < ../hop/$f; done
patching file common/bb-hosts.5
patching file hobbitd/hobbitd_client.c
patching file lib/headfoot.c
patching file web/bb-datepage.c
patching file web/bb-eventlog.c
patching file web/bb-findhost.c
patching file web/bb-rep.c
patching file web/bb-snapshot.c
patching file web/hobbit-enadis.c
patching file web/hobbit-nkedit.c
patching file client/runclient.sh
patching file hobbitd/hobbitfetch.c
patching file web/hobbitsvc-info.c
patching file web/hobbit-confreport.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 600.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 649 (offset 12 lines).
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file web/hobbit- confreport.c.rej
patching file client/hobbitclient-sunos.sh
patching file ./lib/cgi.c
patching file ./lib/cgi.h
patching file ./web/bb-ack.c
patching file ./web/bb-datepage.c
patching file ./web/hobbit-confreport.c
patching file ./web/hobbit-enadis.c
patching file ./web/hobbit-hostgraphs.c
patching file ./web/hobbit-statusreport.c
patching file bbdisplay/bbgen.h
patching file lib/hobbitrrd.c
patching file lib/hobbitrrd.h
patching file lib/htmllog.c
patching file web/hobbitgraph.c
patching file web/hobbitsvc-trends.c
patching file hobbitd/webfiles/zoom.js
patching file web/hobbit-confreport.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 8.
1 out of 12 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file web/hobbit- confreport.c.rej
patching file web/hobbit-confreport.cgi.1
patching file hobbitd/webfiles/confreport_front
patching file web/Makefile
patching file hobbitd/wwwfiles/menu/menu_items.js.DIST
patching file web/hobbit-confreport-critical.sh.DIST
patching file build/bb-commands.sh
patching file client/hobbitclient-sunos.sh
patching file web/hobbitsvc-info.c
patching file hobbitd/hobbitd_alert.c
patching file hobbitd/do_alert.c
patching file lib/cgi.c
patching file hobbitd/webfiles/hobbitnk_footer
patching file web/hobbit-nkview.c
patching file lib/Makefile
patching file lib/color.c
patching file lib/timefunc.c
patching file hobbitd/rrd/do_ncv.c

....and can't compile :

cc -g -O -D_REENTRANT -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 - DSunOS -I. -I/export/home/bigb/hobbit-4.2.0/include -I/usr/local/ include -c -o hobbit-confreport.o hobbit-confreport.c
"hobbit-confreport.c", line 271: warning: assignment type mismatch:
pointer to char "=" pointer to unsigned char
"hobbit-confreport.c", line 473: warning: assignment type mismatch:
pointer to unsigned char "=" pointer to char
"hobbit-confreport.c", line 683: left operand must be modifiable lvalue: op "="
"hobbit-confreport.c", line 684: left operand must be modifiable lvalue: op "="
"hobbit-confreport.c", line 685: left operand must be modifiable lvalue: op "="
"hobbit-confreport.c", line 695: left operand must be modifiable lvalue: op "="
"hobbit-confreport.c", line 696: left operand must be modifiable lvalue: op "="
"hobbit-confreport.c", line 697: left operand must be modifiable lvalue: op "="
"hobbit-confreport.c", line 704: left operand must be modifiable lvalue: op "="
"hobbit-confreport.c", line 705: left operand must be modifiable lvalue: op "="
"hobbit-confreport.c", line 706: left operand must be modifiable lvalue: op "="
"hobbit-confreport.c", line 831: cannot recover from previous errors
cc: acomp failed for hobbit-confreport.c
make[1]: *** [hobbit-confreport.o] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/export/home/bigb/hobbit-4.2.0/web'
make: *** [web-build] Error 2