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RE: [hobbit] Hobbit & NetApp: can client check DISK look at NFS mounts?

You can use hobbit_perl_client
One of the 3 script is done to monitor netapp filers via rsh (I'm
monitoring 10 netapp storage with it).
It check status, cluster, environment and temperature, disk and inode,
transfer and ops/s (via sysstat), cifs operation/s, snapshot space,
space used by the newest and oldest snapshot, snapmirror transfer, qtree
quotas and user quotas. Disk, inode, cpu and temperature can be graphed
directly by hobbit. Sysstat can be graphed using ncv and to have graphs
for snapmirror/snapshot/quotas you've to patch hobbit 4.2 source with
the included patch (this will also remove the necessity to configure ncv
for the other tests because they're included in the patch).
If you need help to setup or more info feel free ask :D


	From: Mostardi, David (MDL US) [mailto:D.Mostardi (at) mdl.com] 
	Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9:14 PM
	To: 'hobbit (at) hswn.dk'
	Subject: [hobbit] Hobbit & NetApp: can client check DISK look at
NFS mounts?

	I have several Network Appliance filers, and am trying to get
Hobbit to monitor them. Since I can't run Hobbit client directly on the
filer, my next approach was to run Hobbit client on the NetApp admin
host, and list all the NetApp volumes which are NFS-mounted. But the
DISK check seems to be ignoring NFS mounts.

	1. Is there a way to have DISK un-ignore selected NFS mounts? 
	2. Are there some other clever ways to have Hobbit monitor a
NetApp filer? 

	Thank you, 

	David Mostardi 
	Advisory Systems Manager 
	Elsevier MDL 
	2440 Camino Ramon, Suite 300 
	San Ramon CA 94583 