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Re: [hobbit] permission denied

Stephane Caminade wrote:
Kevin wrote:
Henrik Stoerner wrote:
On Sun, Sep 10, 2006 at 11:01:55AM -0400, Kevin wrote:
Hello all,
I am installing Hobbit for the first time in over a year..( I am still running RC5 at work in production !! ) and I am having a stupid error that I could use help on. I can't see the web interface! I get :

You don't have permission to access /hobbit/ on this server

but every directory and every file has 777 permissions on it!

Sounds like an apache configuration problem. Did you include the provided hobbit-apache.conf file in your webserver configuration?

(BTW, you'd better tighten up those 777 permissions. Hackers love

Regards, Henrik

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Hi Henrik, it's been a long time. Yes, I did include the hobbit-apache.conf piece in the httpd.conf file. (and I only made the permissions 777 to troubleshoot this), but it makes no difference. It is running on RHEL 4.0, apache 2.0, and I can't see what else would be restricting permission to /hobbit/. Got any ideas?

Best regards


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Have you had a look at your error log ? Usually you can find a pointer there.


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Hi Stephane,
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I checked the error log but it was about as useful as screen doors on a submarine. Here is the result of every time I try to access the page:

[Wed Sep 13 03:59:24 2006] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: access to /hobbit/ denied

I already know that my access is denied....I just want to know why. I am going through httpd.conf one line at a time now.

any other input much appreiated
