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Re: [hobbit] Feature request: better default navigation experience

Again, thanks for the pointer.
I implemented your suggestion on my test server with lots of manually editing.

That bring me to my original request. I think above process should be automated
by parsing bb-hosts file and insert the links onto each page instead of Tigra menu_items.js file.



From: "Larry Barber" <lebarber (at) gmail.com>
Reply-To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] Feature request: better default navigation experience
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 15:27:37 -0500

Its pretty easy to put something like this in to the menuing system that is
included with hobbit. You just have to modify the
server/www/menu/menu_items.js file. Here's a sample from mine:

var MENU_ITEMS = [
   ['Views', null, null,
       ['Main view', '/hobbit/bb.html', null,
           ['APHIS', '/hobbit/APHIS', null,
               ['AQAS', '/hobbit/APHIS/AQAS'],
               ['ALBES', '/hobbit/APHIS/ALBES'],
               ['EPermits', '/hobbit/APHIS/EPERMITS'],
               ['NAIS', '/hobbit/APHIS/NAIS'],
               ['PCIT', '/hobbit/APHIS/PCIT'],
           ['CEE', '/hobbit/CEE'],
           ['CENS', '/hobbit/CENS'],
           ['CMITS', '/hobbit/CMITS'],
           ['CPAIS', '/hobbit/CPAIS'],
           ['Dept. of Labor', '/hobbit/DOL'],
           ['Environment', '/hobbit/ENV'],
           ['ESS', '/hobbit/ESS', null,
               ['Active Directory', '/hobbit/ESS/ACT_DIR'],
               ['AMS', '/hobbit/ESS/AMS',null,
                   ['PreProduction', '/hobbit/ESS/AMS/AMS_PREPROD'],
                   ['Production', '/hobbit/ESS/AMS/AMS_PROD'],
.... and on and on for a few hundred lines.

Larry Barber

On 8/31/06, T.J. Yang <tj_yang (at) hotmail.com> wrote:

Following is an example borrow from ebay.

I can navigate different categories easily under powersports by clicking "PowerSports"

Listed in category:     eBay Motors > Powersports > Scooters & Mopeds >

Is it possible that bbgen can generate URLs at top menu like above "PowerSports" line ? so page,subpage,subagent tags in bb-hosts file can form a direct link from any pages on hobbit server.




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