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Re: [hobbit] "ports" RRD graph not showing up

If you are trying to restrict the test to a specific host, why don't you
put the PROC command under its own HOST=whatever section?

It takes up one less line in the config file ;-) The main reason is, all the other HOST= tags I've used worked fine, so I don't have to create a separate HOST= section for only one or two tests that are specific to that one host, and I can use the regex HOST= section for all of the machines at once.

I don't think the inclusion of the HOST= tag is the problem anyway.
But, if all else fails, I'll try it on its own, just for grins.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary B. [mailto:gmbfly98 (at) gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 11:16 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] "ports" RRD graph not showing up

> I don't use HOST= in my working PORT tracking. I agree with Greg on
> doing it via the RegExp itself.

The problem with that is, it will perform the PORT test on all of the
machines under the HOST= section the test is under.  I don't want this,
as only one of the machines actually has the ports running.  I haven't
had a problem using HOST= in this manner before, and it's described in
the "rules to select hosts" section in the manpage for

> minor thing: not so sure TRACK= can take all numeric or not.
> I believe your RegExp needs (). Mine goes like below. I have PORT
> column show and alerts generated, plus RRD graph for counting of
> TIME_WAIT connections to  PORT LOCAL=%([.:]3306)$ STATE=TIME_WAIT
> MIN=0 MAX=10000 COL=yellow TRACK=db_TimeWait TEXT=db_TimeWait

I was wondering that myself.  I'll try changing to TRACK= to be
character-based and see if that helps.

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