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RE: [hobbit] Memory usage BBWIn 0.8


After i changed the time to 10min, the memory used by BBWin is still
growing, but not as fast as before. The event logs contains both
information events and warning events. The stats for the 10m: 
Events Analyzed:    303 (1123 for 30m)
Events Matched:     101 (404 fof 30m)
Events Ignored:       0 

The description fields of most of the events are about 200 chars long.


-----Original Message-----
From: Etienne Grignon [mailto:etienne.grignon (at) gmail.com] 
Sent: maandag 28 augustus 2006 16:53
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] Memory usage BBWIn 0.8

Hello again,

2006/8/28, Ivan Verbeeck <ivan.verbeeck (at) vmma.be>:
> Etienne,
> The server is a Windows 2003 server with SP1(Standard Edition - 
> english). It's used as an application server with specific software(no

> webserver,no database) and there is no other monitoring tool or 
> antivirus installed.
> I figured out the module that is the cause the problem and its the 
> msgs.dll. If i remove that line from the the config the memory usages 
> seems normal.
> The size of the event log is 58Mb (5days), with quite a lot of 
> activity in the application log.

Thank you for the mail, It is a nice information. Now, you can try to
reduce the time of the events matched. Default is 30 minutes. You may
try to reduce to 10 minutes by adding this to the msgs section :

<setting name="delay" value="10m" />

Also could you give me the summary of your msgs column ?

Events Analyzed:
Events Matched:
Events Ignored:

Is it just information events or is it error or warning events ?
Are the description fields long or not ?



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