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Re: [hobbit] New version of beastat.pl netapp.pl and dbcheck.pl

Francesco Duranti wrote:

I'll create some more definition for the next version so the user can
just choose what to use... I'm also using only NFS on some filers and
NFS/CIFS on some others or just ISCSI on another one...

That's cool. I just made several stats defs to do the same thing, so I have disk reads/writes on one graph, net in/out on another.

I've preferred to put the snapshot out of disk space report to have a
clean situation ... A warning on the snapshot can be a problem related to an oracle
snapshot/backup that didn't worked so I've to send alert to db admin to
check them... If you want to give it a try I can send a patch working with 4.2.0 (it
should work from 4.2.0 to the last snapshot) but this will include also
the graphs rrd function for dbcheck.pl and beastat.pl script and is a
work in progress so it could work but it could also do bad thing :P
(well it's running now by one week on my test and production system
without problems).

As soon as I wrap up work on my main project, I'm going to get your script working on my secondary hobbit server and start messing around. I might be interested in that patch at that tiem.

I'm trying to define what data to get next... The ifinfo also seems
interesting (it also seems the only method to get byte counter related
to network interface). I think the next think I'll get will be: cluster
status, nfsstat, graphs for snapmirrored volumes and data related to
snapvaulted volumes.

Those sound good. I have most of those functions in use, so I can help test

I've saw the statit command and it's nice the only thing not so good is
the fact that it work in background

I agree. I would not want to use statit to get the data from within this script, but I'm not sure there is another method. I was researching that when I sent my email.

Other info I was thinking of adding to your script is aggregate status.
