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Re: [hobbit] Hobbitping/fping behaviour

On 8/24/06, GALLIOT Guillaume <Guillaume.GALLIOT (at) but.fr> wrote:

I have updated my hobbit installation from 4.1.2 to 4.2.0
The new hobbitping gives different results in the web interface (about 40ms
latency on a local network) than fping (0.15 ms),i tried to reproduce these
results with ping,fping & hobbitping but they give me same results on
command line (0.15ms)

fping -e msrv999lno001
msrv999lno001 is alive (0.16 ms)

PING msrv999lno001 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from msrv999lno001 ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.126 ms
64 bytes from msrv999lno001 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.113 ms

/usr/lib/hobbit/server/bin/hobbitping is alive (0.18 ms)

In the web interface I get 44 ms

I reverted to fping and results are now the same on command line and web

Does anyone has the same issue ?

Yes, I saw exactly the same - hobbitping used by hobbit had a delay of tens of ms, used on the command line had a delay of fractions of an ms.

                Please keep list traffic on the list.

Rob MacGregor
     Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he
       doesn't become a monster.                  Friedrich Nietzsche