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Re: [hobbit] How does linecount work?

On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 05:03:17PM -0500, Hubbard, Greg L wrote:
> PS -- I've noticed a number of blemishes in the man pages, etc. -- how
> would you like us to suggest corrections, or is there some way we can
> help share the load?

If you haven't tried editing man-pages before, they are really just text
files with some special markup commands in them. So if you can edit the
original file and just correct the text, that will be fine. BTW, if you
edited the hobbitd/hobbitd.8 man-page, then you can test the edits with

    nroff -man hobbitd/hobbitd.8 | more

to see what it would look like.

By far the easiest for me is if you can create a "diff" file between 
the original and the corrected man-page. And if you can do it in the 
"unified" diff format supported by the GNU diff utility, then it's
perfect. Just save the original file before you edit it, then when
you're done editing run

   diff -u originalfile newfile

and send me the output. I've looked through so many diff's that my
brain can see right away what you're changing with the diff, and
that makes it very easy to proof-read before committing your changes.
