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TOP withing hobbitclient-sunos.sh


I do not see any list of process on the "cpu" column.

I am running hobbit client 4.2.0 on Solaris 8. I do have top
installed. If I run which top as hobbit user I get /usr/local/bin/top.

Now I do not follow this section of the hobbitclient-sunos.sh file

# $TOP must be set, the install utility should do that for us if it exists.
if test "$TOP" != ""
   if test -x "$TOP"
       echo "[top]"
       $TOP -b 20

It seems like the "install utility" did not find the top command.

I know it is the not the TOP in hobbitclient.cfg according to the
following lines

# The following defines a bunch of commands that BB extensions expect
to be present.
# Hobbit does not use them, but they are provided here so if you use
BB extension
# scripts, then they will hopefully run without having to do a lot of tweaking.
TOP="/bin/prstat -can 20 1 1"

Asif Iqbal
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