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Re: [hobbit] Configuration Files (Feature Request / Question)

On Tue, Aug 08, 2006 at 10:06:54AM -0700, Bob Gordon wrote:
> It is my understanding that the configuration files located in
> $HOBBITROOT/etc are not overwritten during an upgrade.

If you use one of the package managers (probably Linux specific - but 
then either RPM or Debian's dpkg), then it's up to the package manager
to decide what files get overwritten, updated or just left alone.

If you just compile Hobbit from source and do a "make install", it will
attempt to merge your current configuration with any new settings. This
applies to hobbitserver.cfg, hobbitlaunch.cfg, hobbitcgi.cfg and
hobbitgraph.cfg. The webserver templates - *_header, *_footer, *_form -
are updated if you haven't modified them yourself.

> Where would I find
> the configuration files that would have been installed had this been a new
> installation?   (A few of the admins are looking for them...)

In the hobbitd/etcfiles/ directory after "make" completes.

> Any chance that the installer can be modified to save the default
> configuration files to $HOBBITROOT/etc/DIST (or some other directory) in the
> event of an upgrade installation?

You're free to copy them over. Personally I keep my Hobbit config-files
checked into a revision-control system (just plain rcs) - that lets me
keep check on what changes have been made, and why.
