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Re: [hobbit] Configuration Files (Feature Request / Question)

hmm, RPM built with the spec bundled actually does
1) overwrite some, saving original ones to   blah.cfg.rpmsave
2) leave some alone, saving the new config to blah.cfg.rpmorig

So, I'd think the 'problem' and/or solution is/should-be specific to the
distro and ways of installation (compile/make/install, or standard packaging
like pkg/rpm/deb, etc.)

On 8/8/06, Bob Gordon <rgordonjr (at) gmail.com> wrote:

Hello -

It is my understanding that the configuration files located in
$HOBBITROOT/etc are not overwritten during an upgrade.  Where would I find
the configuration files that would have been installed had this been a new
installation?   (A few of the admins are looking for them...)

Any chance that the installer can be modified to save the default
configuration files to $HOBBITROOT/etc/DIST (or some other directory) in the
event of an upgrade installation?

Thanks -

--==[ Bob Gordon ]==--