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Re: [hobbit] setting up multiple servers

On 7/21/06, Henrik Stoerner <henrik (at) hswn.dk> wrote:
On Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 10:40:06AM +0200, Stephane Caminade wrote:
> And on the replicated servers, I guess that I have to modify both
> server/etc/hobbitserver.cfg and client/etc/hobbitclient.cfg with those
> same settings ?

Correct. Especially, make sure your clients are configured to send data
to both servers.

So, it's up to the clients to send to multiple servers, and the servers wouldn't forward anything except whatever reports they generate about themselves??

I *may* have a problem with that in 4.2-RC-20060712.  I have some Big
Brother scripts that are running in a Big Brother environment,
reporting to two Hobbit servers - 4.1.2p1 & 4.2-RC.  Almost all of the
results get through to the RC server, but some don't.

I'm still trying to refine it to a simple test case, but at the moment
it looks like a report with "status+LIFETIME" isn't displayed on the
RC server.  If I remove the +LIFETIME value, the report *is*
displayed.  I figure I must have something wrong, because there have
to be other people using that feature... :)

Ralph Mitchell