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Re: [hobbit] FILE help?

OK, I have the patch applied, and I'm trying to get a handle on the semantics 
of the descriptions for mtime.

I have the following in hobbit-clients.cfg:

        FILE    /vsamredir/VSAMRedirectorServer.properties mtime<600 red

According to the data returned to the Hobbit server, here are the file 

type:100000 (file)
mode:755 (-rwxr-xr-x)
owner:500 (rks0)
group:100 (users)
clock:1148474042 (2006/05/24-07:34:02)
atime:1148470137 (2006/05/24-06:28:57)
ctime:1093026283 (2004/08/20-13:24:43)
mtime:1093026283 (2004/08/20-13:24:43)

The description of mtime is as follows:

to check if a file was updated within the past 10 minutes (600 seconds): 

The file was not updated within the past 10 minutes, so I would expect to see 
green.  Here is the information from the page:

red /vsamredir/VSAMRedirectorServer.properties
File was modified 55447759 seconds ago - should be <0

On Wednesday 24 May 2006 6:20 am, David Gore wrote:
> Henrik,
> So far it is working beautifully!  Thank you!  This will help replace
> quite a number of instances of custom client scripts for log monitoring.

Rich Smrcina
VM Assist, Inc.
Main: (262)392-2026
Cell: (414)491-6001
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rich.smrcina at vmassist.com

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