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Hobbit client OS support issues

OK with the latest snapshot 09-Aug-2005 Im able to compile on:
Solaris 2.6 with no issues,
hp11 with no issues except changing CC=cc to CC=gcc
hp1020 issue: the -lnsl flag , library not found. I tried -lresolv no luck . I removed both and it compiled; is this OK does the client
use this?

At this time I cannot test if they  actually work except for hpux 11.

With hpux 11 client two issues:
the network I/O graph stopped working . Stop working after a snapshot from last week. Looks like it worked with 4.1.1.
I tried stopping hobbit and removing the rrd with no luck.

Next is not a big issue yet (it may/should be on my Classed side where clearcase runs)
Disk is picking automounts:
/sw1/usr/local 4183116 4010394 172722 96% /usr/local this is an automount
/home02/nemethm 4138510 3608164 530346 88% /home/nemethm this is an automount
/dev/vg00/lvol4 19539 5144 14395 27% /home00
/dev/vg01/lvol2 4106336 2620740 1485596 64% /home01
/dev/vg01/lvol3 4138510 3608165 530345 88% /home02 /

Also when I move to my classed side I have to be able to filter out my clearcase directoried:
/home/vobs/dddd 4138510 3608165 530345 88% /vob/dddd

the mounted on point should alway be /vob/

| _p_ Mike Nemeth
| ___| |_____ email(w) michael.nemeth (at) lmco.com Work: 856 359-1425 |><___________) | Home Page:http://www.geocities.com/mjnemeth/
| Work Page:http://faraday.motown.lmco.com:3000/~nemethm/ | Work Page:http://ortsweb/~mnemeth/ |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++