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Re: [hobbit] OSF physical memory, good reference

On Sun, Aug 07, 2005 at 03:47:35AM +0000, David Gore wrote:
> Henrik,
> This is a good page the Rosetta Stone for UNIX.  I was looking to find 
> out how I could determine physical memory on an OSF host, so you could 
> include the memory test for OSF?
> Here is where I was looking:
> http://bhami.com/rosetta.html

This is great. I've actually used this some time ago, but had forgotten
about it.

> And here is the command I used to determine physical memory (could have 
> read the man page for vmstat):
> # vmstat -P

Could you send me the output from "swapon -s" also, so I can include the
swap info as well ?
