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Re: [hobbit] Extend timers to avoid purples

On Mon, 2005-06-27 at 07:21 -0500, sladewig wrote:
> On 06/25/2005 06:18 AM, Gee Pee wrote:
> > If you mean: I run a test once a day and it turns purple after 30  
> > minutes, then you should extend the validity of the result of the  
> > test. This defaults to 30 minutes and can be extended on the BB- 
> > client-side, see: http://bb4.org/bb/help/bb-man.html#6.9
> I also have experienced problems similar to this. I have a external 
> script on the client which I was running with a half hour as its time. 
> When I switched to hobbit I began to get purple and recovered messages 
> every 30 minutes from each client. The recovered message would be 
> timestamped the exact time or +1sec from the purple. I ended up having 
> to change the client to run every 5 minutes and still ocassionally I get 
> purple/recovered. Perhaps a little fudge factor is needed to allow time 
> for the client to complete the script. Something like status time plus 
> and extra 30 seconds.

When you consider that the default is to send a report every 5 minutes,
but turn purple after 30 minutes, you should see that there is
definitely some room for delays being allowed for. For something
checking hourly, I would suggest a fudge facter of 2 hours and 20
minutes. Of course, you also need to consider how long that test might
not run for without you finding out about it.

PS, AFAIK, hobbit will run tests exactly when due, while BB doesn't
(well, more recent versions try to, but probably don't excactly match
