Xymon 4.2.3 rrd-data.log shows xstrdup: Cannot dup NULL string

Peter Welter peter.welter at gmail.com
Sat May 30 10:42:37 CEST 2009

Turning off 'netapp.pl' to all filers and selectively turning it on
again, it appears that there are no problems with On Tap 7.2.3 and
7.2.4. The error does not show up and all trending (also for other
data-dependant trending) show no holes anymore.

But these are very important, so I have to turn the
monitoring on again on this NetApp-cluster. Will see if debugging the
perl script will give more relevant data.

2009/5/29 Peter Welter <peter.welter at gmail.com>:
> Hello all,
> Last friday may 22 at 8:20 we finished our upgrade from our
> NetApp-filers (version 7.2.3 to These filers were (and are)
> monitored by Xymon in combination with the perl-netapp-client.
> Combined a great combo!
> However, since the upgrade I keep getting this error in
> /var/log/hobbit/rrd-data.log:
> ...
> 2009-05-22 08:22:00 xstrdup: Cannot dup NULL string
> 2009-05-22 08:22:00 Worker process died with exit code 6, terminating
> ....
> This error appears every 5 minutes.
> Only one graph-type is not trended anymore since the upgrade, the
> xtstatscolumn which deliver all statistics about each drive in the
> filer. (About +/- 20 graphs). Sometimes, it does trend some data but
> that is for a very short time, let's say 5 or 15 minutes. Then for
> hours, nothing.
> One filer has not been upgraded, but shows the same lack of trending.
> But that can be caused because I have set it up with MultiThreading
> (something that can be set using a parameter).
> Now I will change this to 1 (for each filer a seperate process) to see
> if the problem can be narrowed, so I'll update this problem later on
> this weekend.
> Regards,
> Peter
> PS I do not know if this has to do with either Xymon of netapp.pl, but
> since it is integrated into the Xymon-source (hobbitd/rrd/do_netapp.c)
> I think it should be posted here.

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