[Xymon] Xymon PSClient version 3

Stef Coene stef.coene at docum.org
Sun May 19 12:08:14 CEST 2024


Recently we had a customer where random dll files in the Temp directory 
are flagged as malware.
It turned out that this was caused by the nssm.exe used for the Xymon 
client service.

Has anyone else had nssm.exe flagged as ransomware?

I decided to rewrite the client and integrated the code from this script 
so nssm.exe is not needed:
FYI, this also creates an .exe file and random files in the temp 
directory but they are nog flagged as malware. It looks like the random 
files are a way for Windows Service Manager to cope with the an .exe 
file as service.

I also made sure I can do a seamless upgrade to this new client.
This also means patching the 2.xxx client so it can be upgraded to this 
new version without interaction.

I have to clean up my 2.xxx code and the new script and will update my 
github page in the next few weeks:
I also have to rollout the new client in our production environments so 
its' possible that I encounter some unexpected bugs.


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