[Xymon] Ordering of yellow vs. red messages in <hostname>:msgs alert e-mails

Greg Earle earle at isolar.DynDNS.ORG
Fri Dec 29 19:59:53 CET 2023

This has been bugging me for awhile now, and I'm annoyed enough to ask 
about it.

My Xymon server is also my syslog server, so the messages file gets tons 
of messages from everywhere.  As such, I'm constantly getting

Subject: Xymon [long #] xymonserver:msgs CRITICAL (RED)

e-mail alerts.  As we all know, they look something like

red Fri Dec 29 08:31:45 PST 2023 - Log files NOT ok

&red Critical entries in <a 

[... lots of "&yellow" entries here ...]

[... some "&red" entries here ...]

<B>Full log:</B> <a href=/xmon-cgi/svcstatus.sh?[... elided ...]>

[... more syslog stuff here ...]


I keep having to scroll down through all the "&yellow" alerts I don't 
really care much about to get down to the "&red" ones I do care about.

Is there some knob somewhere I can twiddle to get the ordering reversed; 
i.e. to have the &red ones appear first at the top, before all the 
&yellow ones?  A quick scan through the *.cfg files didn't turn up any 
likely candidates.

(Bonus points: put a blank line between the two "&red" and "&yellow" 


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