[Xymon] Stale alerts not being purged

John Thurston john.thurston at alaska.gov
Tue Dec 27 18:46:40 CET 2022

I've been forced to implement the following on a daily christmas tree 
timer :/

TODAY=$( date +%Y-%m-%d )

z=$( mktemp -p /tmp $0.XXXX )
trap "rm -rf $z" exit

# Restarting the daemon is the only way I have found
# to generate the 'Stale' lines in the log file
systemctl restart xymon
sleep 120

# find the stale hosts reported today in the log file
# build a file containing 'delete' commands for sed
egrep "^$TODAY ............... Stale alert " ${logfile} |cut -d " " -f 6 \
   | tr ':' '|' | sed 's#^#/^# ; s#$#/d#' > ${z}

# Delete the stale hosts from the checkpoint file while xymond is stopped
systemctl stop xymon && sed -i -f ${z} ${checkpointfile} && systemctl 
start xymon

If anyone can offer any ideas into /why/ my xymon isn't purging dead 
alerts, I'd love to hear them.

Do things because you should, not just because you can.

John Thurston    907-465-8591
John.Thurston at alaska.gov
Department of Administration
State of Alaska

On 11/17/2022 9:04 AM, John Thurston wrote:
> My Xymon (Xymon 4.3.30-1.el7.terabithia) is no longer noticing it is 
> time to stop sending email alerts.
> A customer will ping me, saying "I'm still getting emails for a 
> problem I fixed 10 days ago!"
> I find the messages in question in the /notifications.log/ Yep, there 
> are a lot of them. I can see the test recovered ages ago, and there 
> should no longer be notifications.
> If I go look in /alert.chk/, I can see the host:test in question
> If I restart xymon, the /alert.log/ will get a bunch of lines "Stale 
> alert found", but the lines remain in the /alert.chk/
> The only way I have figured out to clean this up is to grep the 
> 'Stale' host:test pairs out of the /alert.log/, stop xymon, feed the 
> host:test pairs through sed to delete the offending lines from 
> /alert.chk/, and restart xymon.
> Anyone have any ideas what's wrong here?
> -- 
> --
> Do things because you should, not just because you can.
> John Thurston    907-465-8591
> John.Thurston at alaska.gov
> Department of Administration
> State of Alaska
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