[Xymon] RPMs - logrotate - duplicate entry

Japheth Cleaver cleaver at terabithia.org
Tue May 7 02:54:28 CEST 2019

On 5/6/2019 4:37 PM, John Horne wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm just throwing this one out there as I haven't been able to think about it
> too much. With the Terabithia RPMs, on our Xymon server I have installed both
> the 'xymon' and 'xymon-client' packages. The problem is that they both install
> an '/etc/logrotate.d' file - called 'xymon' and 'xymon-client' respectively.
> Both files are exactly the same.
> However, when logrotate runs it actually throws up an error because it is
> trying to rotate the same file twice (because there are two logrotate files
> which reference it). This error is emailed to me:

This indeed a bug. Since the files are identical, it'll be easiest to 
simply consolidate them under a single name. That's technically a 
violation of the packaging specs, as logrotate.d snippets are supposed 
to match the service name, but I don't think that's a big issue.


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