[Xymon] RPMs 4.3.29 - showgraph bug - PATCH

John Horne john.horne at plymouth.ac.uk
Fri Aug 9 13:28:49 CEST 2019


Attached is a unified diff patch to the 'web/showgraph.c' file for the
Terabithia RPMs based on version 4.3.29. So if the file hasn't changed in the
4.3.30 branch then it should be okay to just apply it directly.

The patch is only 2 (non-contiguous) lines long. The first line just removes
some redundant maths. Both lines cater for the fact that 'snprintf' is now used
in the code. That function has the unfortunate habit of returning the string
length (say 10 characters), but the provided buffer must be large enough to
hold the string *and* the terminating null character (so 11 characters). In
testing it was found that the string was being truncated by one character
because the terminating null was being forced onto the end. When used with
'exec:' in graph titles, this caused the title to not appear at all.


John Horne | Senior Operations Analyst | Technology and Information Services
University of Plymouth | Drake Circus | Plymouth | Devon | PL4 8AA | UK

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