[Xymon] Name instead of IP in hosts.cfg

Rolf Schrittenlocher schritte at ub.uni-frankfurt.de
Thu Sep 22 12:34:06 CEST 2016


in the man-page I read:

"The format of an entry in the hosts.cfg file is as follows:

    IP-address hostname # tag1 tag2 ..."

is there a way to use
  "hostname hostname # ..." instead?
Reason is monitoring a service where the IP often changes.

Thanks for help,

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Rolf Schrittenlocher

Lokales Bibliothekssystem Frankfurt
Senckenberganlage 31, 60054 Frankfurt
Tel: (49) 69 - 798 28908
LBS: lbs at ub.uni-frankfurt.de
Persoenlich: schritte at ub.uni-frankfurt.de

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