[Xymon] SSH - Make Red if ACTIVE

FreeSoftwareServers freesoftwareservers at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 17:58:58 CEST 2016

I have set up XYMon and XYMon - Client successfully today!


But I have an interesting situation, I have services like my Routers and
esxi servers where I want XYMon to go RED if SSH is ENABLED. It should be
disabled for security, can I make it so it runs the other way around then


I Apologize if this is written somewhere and super easy, I couldn't find it!


PS: I had a hard time getting client to work, if I can make a polite
suggestion for the this webpage >>




Basically that


cat /etc/default/xymon-client | grep CLIENTHOSTNAME 


must match


XYMon-Server's  /etc/xymon/hosts.cfg. CLIENTHOSTNAME # Extra Params


I understand that it is implied in the text, but this might make things much
easier to fix for those of us looking to solve the issue of "The client is
using another hostname than what is in the hosts.cfg file."




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