[Xymon] New client problems

J.C. Cleaver cleaver at terabithia.org
Fri Mar 13 21:13:02 CET 2015

On Fri, March 13, 2015 12:43 pm, Josh Luthman wrote:
> I have a new machine running Centos 6.6 that for the life of me I can not
> get started. I compiled 4.3.17 and 4.3.18 to see if it was a bug.  With
> both versions I get the same results.
> I've got it narrowed down to the point where is definitely a
> machine/client
> problem.  With tcpdump I've shown that there are no packets being
> generated
> after the (Xymon) client is started.  I can ping the server and create a
> handshake (telnet) to 1984 on the server.
> ps running: http://pastebin.com/8sbjyzRs
> At this time SElinux is flat out disabled
> $ sestatus
> SELinux status:                 disabled
> Host is just one IP, to rule out DNS problems.
> $ head `pwd`/xymonclient.cfg
> # Environment settings for the Xymon client.
> XYMSRV=""          # IP address of the Xymon server
> Any suggestions would be very much appreciated and welcomed!

Can you add --debug (or send a -USR2) to both xymonlaunch and the 'xymon'
call in xymonclient.sh?

Curious if it's a launch problem or a transmission issue.



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