Logfile not accessible

usa ims usaims at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 29 15:08:55 CET 2014

Greetings everybody,

I have this one log file that is going from yellow to green back to yellow every 3 minutes.
The xymon-client is installed on a MySQL server.

When the BB Display goes to yellow it indicates:

Warnings in /opt/mysql/log-error/zzzzzz-error.log
yellow Logfile not accessible

But I see activity in the log.

However, the log file does exists there with the proper permissions for everyone to read.
-rw-r--r--  1 mysql mysql 44143540 Oct 29 10:02 zzzzzz-error.log

When it turns green, it indicates:
No entries in /opt/mysql/log-error/zzzzzz-error.log
Full log /opt/mysql/log-error/zzzzzz-error.log

But I see activity in the log.

What could be causing this flopping from green to yellow and back to green?
Thanks in advance.


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