[Xymon] ANALYSIS.CFG evaluation order question

Robert Herron robert.herron at gmail.com
Wed May 14 17:43:06 CEST 2014

Currently running Xymon 4.2.3 and on the verge of upgrading to 4.3.17.
Given the various filename changes involved with 4.3.x move, I'm reviewing
and cleaning my config files.

The last block of documentation in my current hobbit-clients.cfg says:

"Rules are evaluated from the top of this file and down, and the first
matching rule is used. So you should put the specific rules first, and the
generic rules last."

Is this still true?

The ~/xymon-4.2.3/hobbitd/etcfiles/hobbit-clients.cfg and
~/xymon-4.3.17/xymond/etcfiles/analysis.cfg do not have this block or
anything on order of evaluation.

Basically, I want to verify db1 goes RED for a load of 35, db[3-5] at 22,
and everything else at 10 using this configuration:
        LOAD    33.0 35.0
        LOAD    17.0 22.0
        PROC    tnslsnr
        PROC    ntpd
        PROC    postfix
        # These are the built-in defaults.
        UP      1h
        LOAD    5.0 10.0


Robert Herron
robert.herron at gmail.com
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