[Xymon] client-local.cfg

Jeremy Laidman jlaidman at rebel-it.com.au
Tue Jan 28 05:02:43 CET 2014

On 28 January 2014 02:57, Galen Johnson <Galen.Johnson at sas.com> wrote:

> 1) Well...poo!  That's unfortunate as we have several dozen of similarly
> named servers we need to run some specific file checks on and it's going to
> be a bit annoying to have to add each one individually.

You could make this easier by having an include file.  Then just include
the file for each host:

include standard-client.cfg
include standard-client.cfg

Not as good as regexp or wildcard hostname matching, but slightly better.

Another option is to auto-generate your client-local.cfg file from a macro
configuration file - dare I say in M4 format?  This is often how sendmail
configurations are managed.  After each change, you type "make" and it
rebuilds the configuration file.

> 2) I'm concerned about having to use a command to find certain files..."If
> you want to check multiple files using a wildcard, you must use a command
> to generate the filenames. Putting wildcards directly into the file: entry
> will not work."  Which would imply that if I want to check for a files
> using a wild card, I would need to have a line in client-local.cfg like:
> file:`ls /path/to/<pattern>`

Correct.  This works, and is awesomely extensible.  What's your concern?

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