[Xymon] alerting issue?

henrik at hswn.dk henrik at hswn.dk
Wed Jan 22 09:52:05 CET 2014

Den 22.01.2014 00:55, Gavin Stone-Tolcher skrev:
> Thanks, I will patch our systems with this today.
> Is there a reliable way of reproducing the issue? My test case
> appeared to work OK unlike the documented failure case.

I setup a test installation with the settings from your original 
report, just modified so the TIME restriction on the second alert was 15 
minutes after I started Xymon. So the first alert fired while the TIME 
restriction was active on the second alert. The second alert then failed 
to trigger.

The heart of the problem is that when the first alert triggers, Xymon 
sets a timestamp for the next time it should send an alert - and since 
the alert that triggered has a "REPEAT=1w" setting, then xymond_alert 
ignores the event for a week. It simply fails to take into account that 
there is another recipient defined which triggers before that time. So 
the circumstances required to hit this bug are

1) you need two or more recipients for an alert
2) you must have a REPEAT setting of more than 24 hours
3) one of the recipients must have a TIME restriction which disables 
alerts when the event first triggers.


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