[Xymon] Saving histlogs data

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Thu Apr 3 11:03:53 CEST 2014


Den 2014-04-03 0:57, Roland Soderstrom skrev: 

> I'm running Xymon
> I got an ext script that just displays my Solaris Cluster
> It is just an information only test and will always stay
> At any moment we can just look at cluster status in this
test. (we have other test for failures) 
> But as there is no change
in color the different statuses are not logged. 
> Is there a way of
saving all the statuses that comes through regardless of no color

Not directly. Xymon is designed to track status changes, not
log all of the data that comes in. 

The solution I can think of would
be to run xymond_capture and dump the output to a file. If you run

xymond_channel --channel=status xymond_capture --hosts="^myhost$"
--tests="^clusterstatus$" >/var/log/clusterstatus.log 

then it should
save that for you. 


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